Launching “Join hands against Covid-19” campaign to help strengthen partners amidst the crisis
Amidst the current work-from-home orders due to Covid-19 outbreak, many businesses are struggling while some have been forced to come to an abrupt halt. However, TV and online media are benefitting from such a climate due to a change in the behavior of consumers who spend longer time watching TV and those on online media, particularly the radio media where consumers can access music via various online platforms more easily than before. According to Nielsen Media Research, COOLfahrenheit of RS Group ranks as number one radio station, with the most active listeners aged 20-44 years old. This creates a whole new phenomenon by breaking all the online music statistics in the past 12 months with the highest listenership, with over 1.2 million times per hour during working hours from 8:00 to 18:00 hrs. To help customers in various groups who may are struggling with their businesses and to increase sales during this period, COOLfarenheit is therefore launching a campaign “Join hands against Covid-19” to help partners and sponsors to carry out strategies and activities befitting the situation to effectively communicate to customers who listen to music while working from home.

According to Nielsen Media Research, the market shares the top 5 most listened to radio stations of the age group 20-44 years are as follow:
Rank 1: COOLfahrenheit – 61.7% market share
Rank 2: FM 95.5 -10.7% market share
Rank 3: FM 103.5, – 7.6% market share
Rank 4: FM 106.5 – 6.9% market share
Rank 5: FM 94 – 5.3% market share
Mr. Prinn Muensuksaeng, Head of Coolism, said, “The main factor that put COOLfahrenheit at number one spot on FM radio ranking with the highest achiever of online listeners in 12 months during the Covid-19 outbreak, is our ability to adapt the plans to the situation, namely;
- Adding new In Program formats that target working people, such as the Work-from-Home Request section, allowing audience to choose songs they want to listen to, keeping the audience company during Social Distancing and work from home period via Inbox Facebook Fanpage: COOLfahrenheit.
- Creating contents for COOL Working Space to provide tips on taking care of oneself, food, easy exercises at home, and ways to reduce stress during work from home.
- Adjusting plans for broadcast continuity by dividing the Cool Jay team into Team A and Team B, to stagger hosting hours and by using Voice from Home technology so the Cool J can host live shows from Virtual Studio at home.”

The rising popularity in music listening has led to the launch of “Join hands against Covid-19” campaign. Mr. Surachai Chetchotisak, Chief Executive Officer of RS Public Company Limited, said, “The radio business is one of those that need to cope with the change, and must transform to survive in the era of media disruption resulting from evolving content consumption behavior and proliferating media channels. We must act quickly and in a timely manner. On the bright side, the Covid-19 outbreak allows people to spend more time at home which in turn helps to boost average time spent on listening to online music. For COOLfahrenheit, this results in an increase in listenership via online channels by 10%, hitting the new high record in 12 months, with the number of listeners streaming in more than 22 million times per month or more than 3 hours a day per audience on average. This is the highest among all the online radio listening platform in Thailand.”
“The main reason why we decided to organize “Join hands against Covid-19” campaign is to help our partners’ businesses to strive. According to the market analysis, there are still possibilities for businesses to keep selling their products and new players are seen to have sprung up in this climate, and we want to support these businesses who may not have the experience in advertising through radio media, so they can continue their business. Therefore, COOLfahrenheit has opened a new advertising space, catering to the needs of our partners in a multidimensional manner, and offer a flexible budget like never before, as well as providing consultation from our media consultant team”, Mr. Surachai added.

COOLfahrenheit provides the opportunity for brands, big or small, to try all the platforms available during the crisis at a good value suitable for products and services including deliveries that target working-from-home customers. Our media and marketing consulting team will help guide and formulate promotional strategies for our partners to reach prospective consumers in different segments effectively. Initially, the campaign will run for 3 months, starting May 1. For more information, please contact the Media Consultants at Telephone 02-037-8312.
There’s a silver lining in this difficult time if we are well-prepared to change. RS Group wishes all parties well as we navigate through this unprecedented period. For more news please visit