RS New Generation : Jatupon, Krongkaew and Nitchanun
Survived and thrived through different disruptions and time, RS stood strong with its new reputation, fully equipped to achieve skyrocketing growth with the unique Entertainmerce model, making RS another job destination for the younger crowds who are ready to drive the company forward with their talents and skills.
Although the company was driven forward quickly by the younger generation, the more experienced group – many of whom have been with the company for a long time – remains equally important. Age diversity can be widely found across the organization and already became a reason for everyone to adjust, learn and work together. Let’s dive in and hear different perspectives of the young employees at RS Group.
What are their opinions on working happily with the older generation?
Let’s start with Krongkaew, Assistant Director – Marketing – Drinks, the smart young lady who co-developed CAMU C, shared an interesting perspective, “Agility is a very important skill, as we need to adapt all the time to work effectively not just in our organization that had been disrupted, but also in the fast-changing world. We must be open-minded and more accepting in every aspect to keep up with the world and everyone.”
It is not just about being flexible and upskilling oneself, but working with experienced employees who have been with the organization for a long time can also pose a challenge, where the new generation must handle without causing a stir.
Nitchanun, Manager – Commercial Registration of our Legal team, explained how to work with the experienced employees in the company that, “First, we must change the way we think and understand their nature. If they are not ready to listen or think differently, we must hear them out for useful information and knowledge, learn from them, discuss with reasons, and focus on sharing ideas. Although we may have our own opinions or think quickly, the older employees are much more experienced. If we can change the way we think and understand the nature of people of different ages, we can work within the organization more happily together.”
Apart from changing the way they work and think towards working with different people, Jatupon, Motion & Graphic Design Manager, Brand & Corporate Communications, another young generation, shared with us on his thoughts on growing into the ‘older and more experienced’ employees at RS that, “In the future, I do not want my age to be a limitation, for instance, as we grow older, we need to behave a certain way. While the responsibility will definitely be greater, we must not lose our identities. We should be able to do whatever we want to do in both work and play. We should be able to enjoy everything.”
We hope that this interview showed you the different opinions of young people who are more than ready to learn and change. They, together with the older employees, are parts of the driving forces at RS.