
RS Group Building, Bringing More Than Aesthetics

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RS Group Building, Bringing More Than Aesthetics,

Boasts Excellent Energy Efficiency Guaranteed by MEA Energy Awards Year 6.

RS Public Company Limited or RS Group received MEA ENERGY AWARDS 2022 in the office building category from Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA), which reflected RS Group’s commitment in energy and environmental conservation, as well as employees’ wellbeing. Its building design truly emphasized the concepts of energy saving and resource efficiency, while adhering to MEA standards. The company is more than ready to drive their sustainability projects for extended impacts.

Today, the rising global population had put pressure on natural resources and energy. The depletion already showed its impacts on the population and the overall ecosystem. That is why RS Group set its environmental management policies – to operate its business within the rule of law and regulations on environment, generate and instill awareness on resource efficiency amongst its employees, conserve the nature, and consider the environmental impacts throughout its value chain, as well as jointly invest with partners who hold similar environmental values.

At the same time, RS Group also imposed sustainability management strategy, in alignment with ‘PLANET: Eco Effective & Waste Management,’ in order to reduce waste throughout its value chain. The company also aimed to instill a long-lasting value among its employees under its operation that saves the energy, conserves the nature, reduces greenhouse gas emission, and manages wastes effectively. The long-term target for sustainable development is to achieve the following outcomes by the end of 2025:

  • Reduce landfill waste by 30%
  • Reduce electricity and water usage by 10%
  • Increase environmentally-friendly packaging by 50%

Wittawat Wetchabutsakorn, Chief Financial Officer, RS Public Company Limited, revealed, “The new RS Group campus building was designed with energy conservation in mind. The core design concepts were minimal design, simple space, and timeless, in balance with space utilization. The building was a reflection of one of RS Group’s characteristics – minimalism. While wasteful materials were kept to the minimum, the space was meticulously planned to maximize utility and convenience of the employees, making our campus a truly energy-saving building. Moreover, the Safety, Hygiene, and Work environment Committee was established for consistent management of the building environment, as well as maintenance and monitoring of the building systems.”

Not only the building management reflected the company’s commitment towards energy conservation, RS Group also implemented various sustainable projects organization-wide since 2021. “Paper Merci…Yak Lak Rak (Separate, Exchange and Conserve)” project aimed to reduce paper usage in the long run. More than 12 tons of paper had been recycled throughout the project, or an equivalent of a carbon dioxide emission reduction of 8,000 kilograms and more than 200 trees were saved. On the other hand, “RS NET ZERO: Rethink and Recycle” project had brought plastic bottles from the employees into recycle process.

RS Group supports and promotes various campaigns to build the public awareness on energy and resource efficiency, as it is everyone’s business and responsibility to conserve and maximize efficiency with each usage, while used materials should be recycled and reused to prevent the future shortages and to truly grow sustainably.